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Finish Steps for Kitchen Cabinets
What You Need to Know Our Finish Steps for Kitchen Cabinets
1. We select only the best Russian maple. All surfaces are progressively sanded smooth starting with #180 grit sand paper and finishing with #240 grit sandpaper.
2. After sanding, surfaces are vacuumed to eliminate all dust particles.
3. Equalizer stains are simultaneously applied to balance the base color of the wood.
4. Toner is then applied to establish consistent color uniformity.
5. A deep penetrating stain is applied to reveal the hidden beauty of the grain.
6. All stained surfaces are then evenly hand-rubbed and wiped clean of excess stain.
7. To complete the Old world technique of hand staining the product is slowly air-dried.
8. Flyspeck distressing is hand-applied for selected finishes requiring this furniture look.
9. Specially formulated hi-solids wood sealer is pressure applied, penetrating all exposed wood surfaces for uniform protection.
10. All surfaces are again hand-sanded providing a smooth, consistent surface to accept topcoat.
11. PU topcoat is placed to dry in a clean and centrally-windy space to lessen dust particles attaching on surface of the product.